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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 26, 2010

The Queens of the Week!

Congratulations to Red Jacket Cindy Ewing, Queen of Sales. She said she had a cancellation on one facial, but the other one she had scheduled, kept her appointment and spent $180. On top of that, because she has been a consistant Star Consultant, the company sent her a referral, and you know when they come looking for you, they want to spend money! She made a $172 sale off her company referral. The rest of her $647 week came from reorders!

We love having Red Jacket Jennifer Oyewole as the Queen of Sharing with 3 interviews last week. She was following up on a double facial and the woman shared with Jennifer that she was having a hard time coming up with the money because her hours had been cut at work. Jennifer took advantage of this opening to ask her out to lunch and share the opportunity. Way to work it girlfriend!!

Car Winner and Red Jacket Karen Andre was the Queen of Guests with her three girls, Josie, Brandy and Bobbi. She met them through a bridal registry! This is how you earn those cars!!

Welcome to new Independent Beauty Consultant the Honorable Reverend Elizabeth Thomas who recently joined Kristilynn Manwaring's team. Sounds like Elizabeth's daughter will also be coming on board to make another magnificent Mother /Daughter team. We are excited to have Elizabeth's inspiration feeding our group.

Thank you to Carol Weckesser who provided unique and tasty tidbits, and Veronica Gonzales who also pitched in with snacks. As usual Red Jacket Heidi Bunker put up a snazzy Valentine's product display with fresh red roses!

Thank you also to all of our wonderful Director's that make this such a successful meeting! Kerri Bunker, Colleen Beller, Michelle Hughes, Kari Medina and Melanie Jepperson.

If you didn't RSVP for the Claim Jumper party at the meeting, be sure to send a note to

Looking forward to sharing great food and spirit with you all!

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