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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 12, 2010

It was a big night for guests and consultants alike. Again we had a full room! Thanks to all who brought their scrapbook pages, but we're still missing a few, be sure to bring them in next week. Thank you also to Debbie Rochau for donating the scrapbook and pages.

Our Queen of Sales was new Red Jacket Megan Weaver with a $472 week. She held ONE class with 10 people. She said the class lasted for four hours just because they were all having so much fun!

Lynette Brandon was our Queen of Sharing because her two guests from last week were followed up with by a Director, and now Robyn Cole is a new consultant on Lynette's team!

And of course our wonderful Queen of Guests was the awesome Zonia Bowers who had seven guests all from following up with a bridal registry. The Bride-To-Be, Marla, brought her bridal party out for a pampering session. Way to go Zonia!

We recognized Etta White, who earned a Perfect Start pin by hosting 15 guests at her debut, and for Karena Bost who is now a Red Jacket - let's have a debut for her next week!

Welcome to Robyn Cole, a new addition to Lynette Brandon's powerful team!

Thank you to Jennifer Oyewole who taught an amazing skin care class, and thank you go Cindy Ewing for teaching Masters, and Erin Searle who led our Newbies through their training class. Etta and Molly were very sweet to provide a bunch of healthy snacks for everyone, and Heidi Bunker brought in a beautiful Skin Care display reminding us to take time for our skin! Thank you finally to Cadillac Director Kerri Bunker for her awesome encouragement.

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