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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Super Valentine's Day Promotion!

This is a great video for all Consultants! It's a Valentine Sales Idea that was taught to NSD Gillian Ortega by the Powerful NSD Deb Wehrer. Gillian, and her son Vince, put this video together for ALL of YOU in the Go Give Spirit to help inspire you to go after your Dreams this Coming Valentine's Month! May this video bless you in the Most Powerful Way!

Need the Queen for a Day flier? Download it here: Queen for a Day!

Feel free to leave us a comment (just click on the little pencil below) on how wonderful this idea is, and let us know if you have more ideas to share in the Go Give Spirit!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 26, 2010

The Queens of the Week!

Congratulations to Red Jacket Cindy Ewing, Queen of Sales. She said she had a cancellation on one facial, but the other one she had scheduled, kept her appointment and spent $180. On top of that, because she has been a consistant Star Consultant, the company sent her a referral, and you know when they come looking for you, they want to spend money! She made a $172 sale off her company referral. The rest of her $647 week came from reorders!

We love having Red Jacket Jennifer Oyewole as the Queen of Sharing with 3 interviews last week. She was following up on a double facial and the woman shared with Jennifer that she was having a hard time coming up with the money because her hours had been cut at work. Jennifer took advantage of this opening to ask her out to lunch and share the opportunity. Way to work it girlfriend!!

Car Winner and Red Jacket Karen Andre was the Queen of Guests with her three girls, Josie, Brandy and Bobbi. She met them through a bridal registry! This is how you earn those cars!!

Welcome to new Independent Beauty Consultant the Honorable Reverend Elizabeth Thomas who recently joined Kristilynn Manwaring's team. Sounds like Elizabeth's daughter will also be coming on board to make another magnificent Mother /Daughter team. We are excited to have Elizabeth's inspiration feeding our group.

Thank you to Carol Weckesser who provided unique and tasty tidbits, and Veronica Gonzales who also pitched in with snacks. As usual Red Jacket Heidi Bunker put up a snazzy Valentine's product display with fresh red roses!

Thank you also to all of our wonderful Director's that make this such a successful meeting! Kerri Bunker, Colleen Beller, Michelle Hughes, Kari Medina and Melanie Jepperson.

If you didn't RSVP for the Claim Jumper party at the meeting, be sure to send a note to

Looking forward to sharing great food and spirit with you all!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Fantastic Night!!

Our Guest Night with NSD Gillian Ortega was a super success! Not only did we have the pleasure of seeing NSD SuzAnne Brothers, the wonder woman who put this whole thing together, but we were also blessed with two more NSD's Deb Wehrer and Lise Clark.

Gillian shared a great presentation with her family photos and personal stories of growing up in Ireland through hard times. She dealt with people who tried to put her down, only to return to the same area years later as a very successful, fashionable and wealthy woman. Along the way, she worked as a nanny, a waitress, and even an NBA Cheerleader, before being introduced to the Mary Kay opportunity by a chance encounter in a public restroom. She had also met the man of her dreams, and with his support, and her strong belief system learned from her mom, she made the rest of her dreams come true.

Congratulations to all the New Consultants who witnessed Gillian's story and are now going to take that same Mary Kay opportunity and turn it into their own American Dream!

A super big THANK YOU to the very talented women who supported our event with their gorgeous displays:

In the front of the main meeting room, we had a stunning set up of the Beauty Case Starter Kit by Pam Sherman, Assistant to Senior Sales Director Shari Schlapman.

Out in the lobby area, the gallery began with a Men's Collection put together by Red Jacket Shannon Dement from Director Susan Carlson's unit.

Red Jacket Heidi Bunker, from Senior Director Kerri Bunker's unit had a beautiful display of the Mary Kay fragrance line.

Red Jacket Cindy Ewing, from National Sales Director SuzAnne Brothers' unit, gave us a complete line up of the Mary Kay Skin Care line.

Beauty Consultant Carol Weckesser had a darling display with her cute little bathtubs showing us all the products used to make our bodies feel 'Mary Kay Soft'.

Beauty Consultant Kristine Orr's classy display gave us a view of the fabulous colors Mary Kay has to keep us all looking fantastic!

We're going to make this next part of the blog a little interactive! I'm going to put in the pictures I have, and if you see yourself here, leave us a comment about your experience at the event with your name (click the little pencil at the bottom of this posting). I know a lot of you, but not everyone. And since I'm just not sure if I can get everyone listed, it will be fun to hear from you personally.

If any of you have more pictures to share, please send them to

It was really a great time, and thank you again to SuzAnne for putting this together and to NSD Gillian Ortega for taking time out of her busy schedule to come and share her incredible story, experiences, and teachings with us.

One of the things she taught me that I will never forget... the last words in American is - I Can!

Thank you Gillian!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19, 2010

The Celebrations Continue!

Queen of Sales - New Red Jacket Karena Bost, $506, hostess had a party with 10 outside orders, with Director Melanie Jepperson

Queen of Sharing - Zonia Bowers, with eight interviews last week! way to go girlfriend! Shown with Director Michelle Hughes.

Queen of Guests - Senior Team Leader Jennifer Oyewole, even though her guests had car trouble last week, and had to work late this week, they still made it!

These are all Star Material Girls! Each of these great ladies produced $300 or more in retail sales over the last week - way to work it! Left to right: Megan Weaver, Coral Todd, Erin Searle, Lynette Brandon-Patterson, Zonia Bowers, Karena Bost, Connie Gray, Cindy Ewing and Jennifer Oyewole.

Welcoming new Independent Beauty Consultant Colleen Tolle, is Director Melanie Jepperson. You are in great hands Colleen, we know you will go far!

Congratulations to Karena Bost who is now a Red Jacket!! Her Red Jacket girlfriends showered her with little red tokens of appreciation for a job well done and encouraging words to help her continue to reach for the next rung on the Ladder of Success.

Celebrating with new Red Jacket, left to right: Coral Todd, Megan Weaver, The Lady in Red herself Karena Bost, Erin Searle, Director Kari Medina, Heidi Bunker, Director Kerri Bunker, Cindy Ewing, Jennifer Oyewole, Director Melanie Jepperson, Director Colleen Beller, and Director Michelle Hughes.

Let's give a shout out to Senior Consultant Connie Gray, who earned her first Perfect Power Start Plus pin... job well done!

Independent Beauty Consultant Kimberly Jensen is in great hands with Director Kari Medina guiding her new adoptee to a wonderful future in the business. Kimberly has already shown great potential and earned a few prizes for getting such a powerful start!

BFF Directors Michelle Hughes and Colleen Beller! Congratulations to Michelle on her great news!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 12, 2010

It was a big night for guests and consultants alike. Again we had a full room! Thanks to all who brought their scrapbook pages, but we're still missing a few, be sure to bring them in next week. Thank you also to Debbie Rochau for donating the scrapbook and pages.

Our Queen of Sales was new Red Jacket Megan Weaver with a $472 week. She held ONE class with 10 people. She said the class lasted for four hours just because they were all having so much fun!

Lynette Brandon was our Queen of Sharing because her two guests from last week were followed up with by a Director, and now Robyn Cole is a new consultant on Lynette's team!

And of course our wonderful Queen of Guests was the awesome Zonia Bowers who had seven guests all from following up with a bridal registry. The Bride-To-Be, Marla, brought her bridal party out for a pampering session. Way to go Zonia!

We recognized Etta White, who earned a Perfect Start pin by hosting 15 guests at her debut, and for Karena Bost who is now a Red Jacket - let's have a debut for her next week!

Welcome to Robyn Cole, a new addition to Lynette Brandon's powerful team!

Thank you to Jennifer Oyewole who taught an amazing skin care class, and thank you go Cindy Ewing for teaching Masters, and Erin Searle who led our Newbies through their training class. Etta and Molly were very sweet to provide a bunch of healthy snacks for everyone, and Heidi Bunker brought in a beautiful Skin Care display reminding us to take time for our skin! Thank you finally to Cadillac Director Kerri Bunker for her awesome encouragement.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

December Star Contest Winners and More

Thank you so much to NSD SuzAnne Brothers for her generosity in providing such wonderful prizes to the outstanding consultants who hit a Base Hit in December AND those who were qualified 2nd Quarter Star Consultants to boot!

SuzAnne personally presented Cindy Ewing, Lynette Brandon, Zonia Bowers and Audra Kinney with their beautiful pendants, with Star Bracelets on the way for Cindy, Lynette and Zonia.

Lynette Brandon - Sapphire Star
Zonia Bowers - Ruby Star
Cindy Ewing - Emerald Star

Our Queen of Sales with an $815 week was Red Jacket Shannon Dement - Great Job!

Red Jacket Cindy Ewing won Queen of Sharing with her three guests from last week!

Lynette Brandon was the Queen of Guests with her two beautiful friends, Robyn and Felicia!

Mama Mia - Italian Divas

Once a month, the Directors will be hosting an intimate Italian dinner for you and your guests. This event is a relaxed environment, no uniforms (but no jeans please!), and as part of the facial treatment, guest will be pampered with a brow waxing too. Seating is limited to 30 at each event, tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Tuesday Nights or through Director Kerri Bunker. Cost includes meal and brow wax!) Event details are on the side bar, and a link to the flyer follows.

Buon appetito!

Mama Mia - Italian Divas Girls Night Out

Luxury Luncheons

Twice a month, your Director's host a special event on Saturdays as an extra opportunity to treat your guests to a Mary Kay facial with the best products on the market, followed by a delicious lite lunch and captivating marketing presentation.

Please arrive by 8:30 am for set up, the event starts at 9:00 am. See the following links to invitations, one pre-made pdf version, or a MS Word file if you would like to edit it and make it your own. Also provided is a preparation guide.

All reservations must be made and paid for by the Wednesday prior to each event, by contacting Director Kerri Bunker at (303)395-1789.

Luxury Lunch Invitation PDF

Luxury Lunch Invitation MS Word

Luxury Luncheon Preparation

January Attendance Recognition Dinner Party

Attend most of your January Meetings, the NSD Gillian Ortega Guest Night and Workshops and the Luxury Luncheons to earn points to attend dinner with NSD SuzAnne Brothers and your Directors. More points are gained by bringing guests! See link to flyer for more details... Overall winner with the most points for the month wins a $50 spa package! Have fun working the challenge and see you there!

January Attendance Recognition Dinner Party

Friday, January 1, 2010


Email Text from Director: Michelle Hughes

Hello and Happy New Years to my sister Sales Directors,
I would like to announce a new unit in the SuzAnne Brothers National area, Colleen Beller and her unit finished qualifications early last night.

A power house unit, with women of determination, heart and integrity.
Colleen will be joining us in San Diego and her unit is so excited for her to accomplish this goal.

Thank you all for your love and support for Colleen as she made her way through qualification.
With Love and Respect to you all,
Director: Michelle Hughes

Pillow Gift Postcards

Want to promote "Pillow Gifts" for Valentines Day? Follow this link to some sample postcards for printing. Be sure to print labels with your personal information to place on the back in the 100% Guarantee! Great way to make sales to the men! (and wives, or anyone really!)

Pillow Poem Postcards for Wife

Pillow Poem Postcards Generic