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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pink Night

Next Week:  Pink Night 
(means no guests)

Director Kerri Bunker is hosting a special evening for those of you who won't be at Seminar.  Want to get the inside scoop on what's going on at Seminar?  Kerri will have some great little tidbits to share!

Recruiting Notebooks:  Director Kerri Bunker, Queen of Sharing for her entire Pearl Seminar, is famous for her recruiting notebook, and she has some very special stories to tell.  Come in and let her teach you how to make and use your own notebook to start building your team right away.

Getting to Know You:  Like it or not - we're your family too!  Since we have a lot of different consultants coming together from different areas, (units, adoptees, etc) we want to learn more about each other.  It helps to build each other up and support each other better when we're bonded!  Kerri will lead us through a fun little exercise to warm up.

Recognition:  We will still recognize our Queens and Masters qualifiers, so be sure to bring in your weekly reports.

Masters Class:  Make sure you keep track of your qualifications for Masters Class, so that when it resumes, you will be in it!  Bank It!!


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