Hot Topics!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Julia Longmore's Red Jacket Debut

Congratulations to our new 
RED JACKET, Julia Longmore.  
Julia's Director, Zishan Hultberg is so proud of Julia 
and the steps she is taking up her path of Mary Kay Success!  
One of Julia's team members, Kelly Hormuth
was also present to share in the excitement of  Julia's big day.

Just look at all of our REDS!!!  
Megan Weaver, we missed you! 
 Jennifer O, with a Masters week in Sales!
Also, Kim Tole, Lyndsey Armstrong, 
Maria Juarez (hi Shari back there!) 
and the very pregnant Erin Searle (being induced today!) 
What a trooper she is!!

Red Jacket Julia Longmore embraced 
by her Director Zishan Hultberg 
and her team member, Kelly Hormuth.

Thank you SO MUCH to Director Linda Bezdek, and 
I think (I hope) that's Mr. Ruby that Kristie is 
kissing in our Star Party Sock Hop Commercial.
You guys were darling!! and FUNNY!

The Masters Class Competition heats up as
 Kristie Ruby and Jennifer Oyewole
whoop it up on the dance floor to determine the real Queen!

Kristie Ruby 
Queen of Sales
$1,000 week
One Class, New Business and ReOrders!

Jennifer Oyewole 
$655 in Sales with New business and
recognized for One Class and a Double Facial,

(but remember Ladies, it takes TWO Classes to qualify for Masters!) 

Masters Class was taught by our Guest Director Debi Salmon.  
The girls were given the opportunity to pick 
Debi's brain on their particular hot topics.  
Kristie's topic was how to get 'unstuck', particularly when you come to a dead end on your bookings.  Jennifer was interested in hearing about how Debi works on getting quality referrals out of her skin care classes.  Remember girls, Masters Class is where you want to be!  Get the real inside scoop on how to make your business grow.

As a reminder, to qualify for Masters class, 
if you use the recipe Mary Kay Ash shared with us as your foundation for working, 
you will always be on track!  
That's 3 classes, plus $300 sales (with new business), 
plus sharing the opportunity 3 times, each and every week.
If you make this happen, not only are you a shoo in for Masters, 
but you will win a SPECIAL BIG KAHUNA Prize!

Did you get to ring the bell last night?
Are you bringing in your weekly reports?  
You can't be recognized for Masters if we don't have your report.  
Now, when you bring in your report, 
you also get to ring the bell to let everyone know you are working!
If your report has Master qualifying activity, 
you get to ring the bell at least twice!

Thank you to our great group of guests, and to 
Directors Zishan and Debi for hosting a great skin care class!

Thank you also to Director Kari Medina's group,
who provided food and clean up,
you did a fantastic job!


Pink Night

Next Week:  Pink Night 
(means no guests)

Director Kerri Bunker is hosting a special evening for those of you who won't be at Seminar.  Want to get the inside scoop on what's going on at Seminar?  Kerri will have some great little tidbits to share!

Recruiting Notebooks:  Director Kerri Bunker, Queen of Sharing for her entire Pearl Seminar, is famous for her recruiting notebook, and she has some very special stories to tell.  Come in and let her teach you how to make and use your own notebook to start building your team right away.

Getting to Know You:  Like it or not - we're your family too!  Since we have a lot of different consultants coming together from different areas, (units, adoptees, etc) we want to learn more about each other.  It helps to build each other up and support each other better when we're bonded!  Kerri will lead us through a fun little exercise to warm up.

Recognition:  We will still recognize our Queens and Masters qualifiers, so be sure to bring in your weekly reports.

Masters Class:  Make sure you keep track of your qualifications for Masters Class, so that when it resumes, you will be in it!  Bank It!!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Where will you be?

If you're not at SEMINAR, you should be at the MKSS on Tuesday Night making sure you don't miss out on our Red Jacket Debut. This is a BIG event, and we expect to have a BIG turn out to match.

Are you a RED JACKET? Remember how exciting it was to sport that beautiful, powerful, classy Red Jacket around to all of your friends, family, and peers? Join us as we celebrate the same for an up and coming consultant with a fun party!

Of course, we'll be looking for your Weekly Accomplishment Sheets so we can recognize you for all that you have done over the last week, like qualifying for Masters!! To qualify for Masters Class, make $300 or more of sales for the week (to include new business), hold at least two classes, and/or add a new team member! REMEMBER: You MUST submit a WAS (Weekly Accomplishment Sheet) in order to be recognized!

Next week on July 27th:

Director Zishan Hultberg will pamper your guests in style with an in depth Mary Kay Skin Care Class, and your guests will be wanting more! Please contact Robin at 720-851-6509 with your RSVPs for your guests by 8:30 Monday evening. Leave their name, skin type, and foundation color if available. (PLEASE also be sure to leave the event you are responding to, as Robin takes RSVPs for multiple groups and events.)

Director Shari Schlapman will teach New Consultants, and with as much energy as Shari puts forth, you will all come out a step ahead!

Director Linda Bezdek has great things in store for those of you who are really interested in getting into Masters!

Director Kari Medina will be teaching our Masters Class, congratulating them with great treats and inspiring them to push harder!

Plan Ahead:
Luxury Luncheon, July 24th;
Italian Diva Night, July 30th;
Luxury Luncheon, July 31st;
Summer End Makeover Photo Event on August 17th, reserve your sitting now!

BTW: Don't forget our very special celebration at the end of the Quarter for ALL Star Consultants - a super fun Sock Hop! Everybody loves a party, so lets make sure you'll be there! More information coming soon.


Focus on your strengths!

MASTERS CLASS gets focused on what they're good at! We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but these girls learned how to reap big benefits from focusing on the good things, and leaving the maybe not so good things to someone who can do it better.

Here we see two of our Red Jackets, Jennifer Oyewole and Lindsey Armstrong, with Kristie Ruby, (looking as dapper as ever) with Director Kerri Bunker, leader of Masters Training. Not only did they get to splurge on divine treats, they glowed in the limelight of special recognition!

OOOOHHHH! And can you see that Lindsey Armstrong is wearing TWO crowns!!?? She was our Ultimate Queen for the week, winning both Queen of Sales with a $425 week, which broke the tie for her to win Queen of Classes too! Hmmm, wasn't she a Queen last week too!!?? You Go Lindsey!

To qualify for Masters Class, make $300 or more of sales for the week (to include new business), hold at least two classes, and/or add a new team member! REMEMBER: You MUST submit a WAS (Weekly Accomplishment Sheet) in order to be recognized!

We had a GREAT showing of guests brought by Elena Fry and Maria Juarez. Elena had four guests: thank you to Lupe, Leticia, Alex, and Ayesha for supporting Elena and to Jen for being a special guest of Maria's.

Thank you to the units of Shari Schlapman and Linda Bezdek for bringing in such a delicious round of food, and cleaning up after the part. (The pasta salad was awesome!)


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Our Lash Bash Event 
scheduled for August 14th 
is being postponed 
to a later date, TBA.  

Instead, we hope that you 
encourage your guests to attend our
Summer End MakeOver Photo
event, scheduled for August 17th.

For More Details on the 
Summer End MakeOver Photo Event,
please click on: our flyer!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Documents Added

Just a quick note to view the Useful Links on the sidebar of this blog!

We've added:

Guest Invite to Unit Success Night Squiggle Bridge Creek
Directions to the Studio
S.C.C. Close Sheet/ Liquid Foundation

recently posted:

End of Summer Makeover Photo Event
Lash Bash!
Pedicure Spa Event

and there may even be more useful information
you haven't seen before!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Master's Have It Made In The Shade!

Rootbeer Floats -
with real ice cream and everything!

Highlighting Pen -
with detailed instructions on use!

What is there not to LOVE
about being in the Master's Class!?

Be sure to hit your challenge for this week:

$300 week (includes new business!)

or one new recruit,

or held two classes!


Queen of Sales
Lindsey Armstrong
who also wrapped up
Queen's Court of Sales
where will you travelling off to!?

Queen of Skin Care Classes
Connie Gray
with 4 classes in one week!
Way to work the business.

Queen of Recruiting
Kimberly Jensen
with 3 new team members!
Team builder at her finest!

This seems like deja vu, haven't Jennifer Oyewole and
Erin Searle tied for Queen of Guests before!?
Congratulations to them both for each bringing 3 guests last week!

These women totally set the pace and example for
where we want to be in our business!


More Fun Photos:

Pampered Ladies

Class is in Session

New Consultants:
Shelly, Amy and Rachel

No Luxury Luncheon this weekend,
but be planning ahead
for July 10th or
for Italian Diva Night
coming up on July 16th!