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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Packed House!!

WOW!!! - six Directors at OUR meeting!!! We had the honor and privilege of having guest Senior Directors Shari Schlapman and Linda Bezdek and their units in attendance on Tuesday, which really made for packed house with standing room only in the back! Other Directors shown are Kari Medina, Melanie Jepperson, Kerri Bunker and Colleen Beller.

New Consultant Kendall Ballard won a prize for being on time to the meeting and turning in her Weekly Accomplishment Sheet! She also won a prize for being the new consultant with the most classes on the books with 5!

Consultant Bianca Derritt shows off her winning smile with Director Kerri Bunker!

Red Jacket and Car Driver Karen Andre was our Queen of Guests with four young ladies from another bridal party (the wedding season is almost here!) In addition, Karen was the Queen of Sales with over $900 sales in one week! We know your Director is proud of you and so are we... way to knock it out of the park girl!

Red Jacket and Car Driver Jennifer Oyewole was our Queen of Sharing, since she shared the truly fabulous Mary Kay opportunity with five women over the last week. Jennifer already has ten people on her team and it's obvious she is working the business full circle!

Consultant JoLynn Dykstra and her new team member, Consultant Melissa Hayes won their Pearls of Sharing!

These girls were all recognized for going places in their Mary Kay business! Jennifer Oyewole will be moving into Directorship, Karen Andre will be earning her third car, Karena Bost is well on her way to being a Team Leader, while Erin Searle, will also be earning her third car. LADIES - this is the place to be!!! It goes to show you - IT CAN BE DONE and IS BEING DONE.

And here are the next new faces that you'll be seeing earning pearls and cars and you name it! Marlene Fleming's new team member is Jeannie Schafer; Kristi Ruby's new team member is Shaina Jackson (niece of Director Michelle Hughes!), Veronica Gonzales has a new team member, Liz Marquez; and Becky Rogers' new team member is Katelyn Runyan... Becky couldn't make it, but Katelyn was in Director Kari Medina's good hands!

Director Kari Medina with Red Jacket Erin Searle.

Consultants Marlene Fleming and JoLynn Dykstra learning the ropes during Masters training.

Our Facial Pampering in full swing!

Thank you Director Kari Medina for sharing your beautiful smile with all the lovely photographed winners!


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