Hot Topics!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We love our leaders!

Queen of Sales
Lindsey Armstrong
One of her biggest sales was to a referral from Mary Kay corporate.  
She received the referral from being a STAR Consultant!  Way to work the biz girlfriend!

Queen of Classes 
Patricia Patrick
New Consultant
She's already a power house!

New Team Members
for Margaret Hendrix and Jane Denton

Our Image Award Winner
Veronica Gonzalez
How very well deserved, she looks so sharp
and carries herself so professionally!
Way to set a great example for the rest of us.

Welcome to all of our New Consultants
to our Tuesday Nights Live family.

Kristin Davinroy
on Margaret Hendrix' team

Darcia Schroyer
on Jane Denton's team

Valentina Gallegos
on Kim Tole's team

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Holiday Makeover Photo Event

November 6th, 2010
Mary Kay Success Studio

Experience a fantastic makeover
that will produce incredible portrait photos
you can share with friends and family
as a lifetime treasure.

for more information!

Form: Photo Appt List

This was a VERY Successful event in August,
be sure to ask your fellow consultants who attended.

Cost $20 pp/ due TODAY!

Contact your director, or
Robin at 720-851-6509 to register.

It's all about being a Queen!

Once upon a time, in a pretty pink castle down the way,
there were Queens abound, and many ladies in waiting...

Violetta Saenz
Queen of Sales

Patricia Patrick
Queen of Classes

Kristin Davinroy
Queen of the Day
Grand Prize Winner
(Massage, Pedicure, Free Lunch, Free Housecleaning!)
(Guest of Margaret Hendrix)

$300 Plus Week
Masters Class Achievers
With Director Shari Schlapman, Violetta Saenz, 
Anndi Barajas, Verna Boetcher, Erin Searle,
 Jennifer Oyewole, Patricia Patrick

Eight is Great 
Cheesecake Factory
Contest Winner
Margaret Hendrix with her Director 
Shari Schlapman

Enjoy these other photos from our Queen for a Day Contest and
Guest Event with NSD Lise Clark!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Carrie Bradley

Kim Olson

Julia Longmore
Mary Kay Image Award Winner!!


June 15 - September 15

Anndi Barajas, Lindsey Armstrong, 
Erin Searle, Kim Olson, 
Julia Longmore, Debbie Rochau, 
Lara Balczarek, Connie Gray, 
Carrie Bradley

Masters Class Achievers
Carrie Bradley
Erin Searle
Anndi Barrajas
Lara Balczarek