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Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer BBQ!

It's summer time and
you're almost on vacation!!! 

But we still need to maintain our business. 
To help you stay motivated through the summer,
we would like to track your attendance,
and reward you for great work well done!

See the link below for more information:


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Calling All Star Consultants!!!!

Get Ready for the first of many special events focused on Star Consultants!

June 18th, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

at the NEW

Mary Kay Success Studio
8821 E. Hampden Avenue
Suite 102
Denver, CO 80123
(Bridge Creek Office Park)

Guest are encouraged to come to share in the celebrations, recognition and rewards for all of our inspiring Star Consultants!

There will also be a pre-party celebration for our Miracle Mile contributors....

See flyer for more details:

Star Party June 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Flip Charts / Survival Kits

Hi Ladies,

We getting back into routine tomorrow night with a pampering session for your guests - remember if you have already completed your new consultant training, you may want to sit in on the pamper session to observe and take notes to better prepare yourself for your own classes. You are welcome to do this at any time. Cadillac Director Kari Medina will be teaching, so its a great time to get a new perspective on how to run a profitable class.

Cadillac Director Kerri Bunker will be teaching the New Consultant Training from week 4 of NSD SuzAnne Brother's training notebook. If you don't have one, you can download it from here:

New Consultant Training Guide

You'll be covering what to do with your profits and how to reinvest in your business with the 60/40 split, what is propay, filling out pink tickets, and customer service followup which is key to keeping your business operational!

Master's are going to learn about the differences of the new flipchart in comparison to the old from Director Colleen Beller.

This will be a great evening of education for all consultants, and fun, awesome sking care, prizes and laughter for our guests!

Please call me with your RSVPs at 720-851-6509 by 8pm tonight.

Thanks so much - and read on for more blog postings you may have missed, including the Survival Kit - which will also be discussed tomorrow night!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thank You NSD Lena Qvist

The beautiful and classy NSD Lena Qvist with
stylish and sassy NSD SuzAnne Brothers!

Director Kerri Bunker with NSD Lena Qvist

New Consultant Training

Pamper Session in Progress

Red Jacket Coral Todd keeps up the great week with Star Consultant production weeks and winner of the on time drawing. Way to go Coral!

Director Kerri Bunker pins new consultant Gretchen Houdek

Red Jacket Erin Searle pins her new consultant

Director Colleen Beller pins
Consultant Kathy Lynn Phare for a Power Start!
Congratulations Kathy Lynn!

Director Colleen Beller and New Consultant Kimberly Gonzales
NSD Lena Qvist

in her cute pink cowboy hat, to help her remember her new
Rocky Mountain Mary Kay friends

NSD SuzAnne Brothers accepts a beautiful pink flower
arrangement on behalf of Mary Kay Ash in honor of her birthday!

Best friends Director Colleen Beller and her
Senior Director Michelle Hughes reunited for a short time.

Red Jacket Lynette Brandon and NSD Lena Qvist

Consultant Kathy Lynn Phare with her
Director Colleen Beller and Sr Director Michelle Hughes

Beautiful Smiles Ladies!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brothers Unit Meeting Moves to Monday Nights

In case you missed the announcement last week, please note that once we move into our new training center, the SuzAnne's Sizzlers unit meeting will move to Monday Nights to join the unit's of Director Michaella Fields and Director Colleen Beller.

We've had feedback from unit member's who have adopted into Tuesday Nights that are excited about having the Brothers Area unit meetings together under a more streamlined umbrella of our favorite and spectacular National Sales Director SuzAnne Brothers.

SuzAnne will be attending these meetings at least two weeks a month, so we will begin to have personal access to her on a regular basis.

I'm sure there will be more details to follow, but wanted to make sure we start getting the word out!

...stay tuned!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May Calendar

Download it here...

May Tuesday Night Denver Diva Calendar


Survival Kit!

Hi Ladies,

Want to throw a twist on the dozen roses warm chatter idea?

Get out and meet people, offering the busy women's survival kit! If you carry them in a basket, wrapped in individual cellophane bags (you can get cheap in candy dept at craft store), it creates more intrigue and interest.

The Busy Woman’s Survival Kit

Blow Pop – to encourage you to blow off frustrations.

Snickers – to remind you to laugh.

Starburst – to give you a “burst” of energy when you need it most.

Kisses – to remind you that you are loved.

100 Grand – to let you know you are worth a fortune – so treat yourself well!!!

Thank you Carolyn Sheppard and Sarah Heibert, consultant in the Extreme program (Barbara's Unit) Sarah has nailed this idea with 150 contact.

What a GREAT and very easy idea! Thanks so you go everyone!

SuzAnne Brothers
National Sales Director

See attached docs for how to's and templates - and most of all, have fun!

Busy Women Scripts

Busy Woman Survival Kit

25 Gift Certificate


Mama Mia - Check out the Diva's!

Thank you to Directors Kerri Bunker, Michaella Fields and Suzy Kamp for putting on such a successful event for our Italian Diva Brow Night!


NSD Lisa Madson in the House!

Thanks to NSD Lisa Madson for sharing quality time and her special stories with us while she was in Denver. What a privilege and honor to rub elbows with such a fantastic woman... Congratulations to Becky Rogers, DIQ, showered with love and honor by her National!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Italian Diva Brow Nights are Back!

Your fabulous Directors will be hosting an intimate Italian dinner for you and your guests on Friday night, May 7th, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. This event is a relaxed environment, no uniforms (but no jeans please!), and as part of the facial treatment, guest will be pampered with a brow waxing too. We have had great feedback on our brow lady Sharon - she does such an awesome job!

The event will be at the Comfort Suites in Englewood. See sidebar for address and map. Tickets are $10 for both consultants and guests, and can be purchased by calling Director Kerri Bunker at 303-395-1789. Cost includes the italian meal and brow wax!

Buon appetito!

Mama Mia - Italian Divas Girls Night Out